Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fundy Busted

On the AP wire, Fundy-Anti-gay Ted "I Art no homo!" Haggard gets busted paying for sex with a man. Too f'ing funny.

[Pam, at Pam's House Blend, gives her report. Well worth a read, and a great blog, btw! OOOOO!! OOOOO!!! THERE'S EVEN AUDIO OF THE VOICEMAILS HE LEFT FOR JONES AND THEY'VE BEEN VOICE MATCHED TO HAGGARD!!! GOT TO LOVE PAM!!!]

[UPDATE FROM CNN - "The church official who temporarily has assumed Haggard's post said late Thursday that there has been "some admission of guilt," but not to all of the allegations. He did not give any more details."

"The allegations were made Tuesday and Wednesday on Denver radio station KHOW by Mike Jones, who said he was a male prostitute and had a three-year sexual relationship with Haggard, with the last tryst occurring in August. He also said Haggard used methamphetamine during their encounters."

"Jones said the relationship began about three years ago, when a man identifying himself as "Art" -- who said he was a married man from Kansas City, Missouri -- sought his services. Jones said he advertised at the time as a male prostitute on the Internet and in newspapers serving the gay community.

The two saw each other about once a month, with Art visiting Jones in Denver and paying him $200 in cash "for no more than an hour," Jones said.

"It was not emotional. It was physical, just strictly physical," he said.

Jones said he learned Art's identity when he saw him on television four months ago. Jones said he became upset when he learned that Haggard's church supported the proposed state constitutional amendment.

Asked whether he has proof to support his claims, Jones told KHOW that he kept several voice mails from Haggard on his telephone answering machine and an envelope containing two $100 bills from him."]

The Rev. Ted Haggard resigned as president of the influential National Association of Evangelicals on Thursday after being accused of paying for sex with a man. Haggard - who has been a leading opponent of the drive for same-sex marriage - also stepped aside as head of his 14,000-member New Life Church while a church panel investigates, saying he could "not continue to minister under the cloud created by the accusations." (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Oh, the earth-shattering hypocrisy.

(Be sure to return some link love to Kristine at Amused Muse, and check out the Reverend BigDumbChimp's comment, where he posts a link to the video of Haggard's denial.)

In case you don't remember who this nutjob is, here's the clip of his insanity when confronted by Richard Dawkins (from Root of All Evil...

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