On 7/25/2006 08:11:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Put me down for 21 days. This all depends on how much he's drinking these days. There could be cheating too if someone were to post a comment on UD pointing to some of the less flattering things he's said about Bill Dembski and evangelical Christians.
So how's the short timer doing?
On 7/25/2006 08:13:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Yes, the begin date was 24JUN06.
On 7/25/2006 08:29:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Dave said:
Put me down for 21 days.
Dave's down for 21. [EDIT - That's sometime Monday, 14Aug06.]
This all depends on how much he's drinking these days.
His style seems same as always, I doubt there's any change in that.
There could be cheating too if someone were to post a comment on UD pointing to some of the less flattering things he's said about Bill Dembski and evangelical Christians.
Play her where she lands. It's all part of the fun.
So how's the short timer doing?
26 and a wake up!
"It's the end of the world as we know it,
And I feel fine!" - REM
Ok, the start date is established. Today is day 1 and since his comment posted at 22:40, let's round it off to midnight. Day one ends at midnight tonight.
On 7/25/2006 09:43:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Give me August 4th; I don't have Dave's confidence in UD's patience. Though, JAD could forget to post for a while, lengthening his stay.
On 7/25/2006 09:47:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Okey Dokey.
Blipey gets August 4th.
JanieBelle and Kate
On 7/25/2006 11:19:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
The plot thickens.
Scott just put up an article which is a Davison screed in its entirety. This will greenlight John to begin another round of late night rum inspired insults of Christian fundamentalists.
Scott evidently doesn't realize that that Davision spent the last 4 months villifying Dembski on a daily basis on his blog. O'Leary's memory must be going bad as she emailed Davison inviting him back. O'Leary banned Davison at her own blog according to John in a recent entry where he took a swipe at her.
John's contempt for "fundies" like Dembski, O'Leary, and even Scott is uncontainable for long. I can hardly wait for the first time he tells someone on UD to touch themselves until they stain themselves (which is why *I* banned him). I fear Blipey may have chosen a better target for John's inevitable eviction.
On 7/25/2006 11:36:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I don't know, Dave. That makes it sound like he won't even make August. Oh well, I suppose I should have known. I guess we can hope he drinks himself into a stupor and doesn't wake up for a few days....
On a blogger note...hilarious!!!
My word verification is idosuck.
What are you trying to tell me?
On 7/25/2006 11:44:00 AM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
You guys are giving Davison WAY too much credit. Put me down for July 30. That gives him thru the end of the week to shit all over himself. Metaphorically, that is.
I didn't know Davison's rants were rum inspired but that certainly would explain a lot.
I love it so!
On 7/25/2006 11:49:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I fear Blipey may have chosen a better target for John's inevitable eviction.
Too funny...
Put me down for July 30.
Hi Arden! Done!
Anyone gonna take "Tomorrow"?
On a blogger note...hilarious!!!
My word verification is idosuck.
What a riot. I've had some funny ones, but you sort of had to extrapolate a little.
Yours seems to have been a bit more direct. Perhaps the Blogger powers that be don't like the new look of your blog? Good thing it's in WordPress.
Kisses to you both from us both.
JanieBelle and Kate
On 7/25/2006 11:57:00 AM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Put me down for July 28.
-steve s
On 7/25/2006 11:59:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Ok, Statler or Waldorf?
I guess you can share.
Steve S. has July 28.
On 7/25/2006 12:10:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I'm going to add one more restriction:
No Porn.
Hot, Steamy Romance -good
Porn -bad
"We made wild passionate love all night" is ok.
"I stuck my PeePee in her HooHoo" is not.
Just in case.
On 7/25/2006 12:33:00 PM, Clint Bourgeois waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Put me down for Right now.
On 7/25/2006 12:34:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Bourgeois gets today.
Has been banned already? I just checked but didn't see it.
On 7/25/2006 12:35:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
And what's up with your site being down, BR? Your pic disappeared with it the other day.
On 7/25/2006 12:38:00 PM, Clint Bourgeois waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
No, but that gives me all the time up to the next earliest. I can't imagine he'll last terribly long. He's got to already be on the sh*t list over there, and one screw up will probably lead to the end of this contest.
Also, my avatar will be screwed up for a few days as I just moved my server and I haven't sorted out all the firewall issues yet.
On 7/25/2006 12:51:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Okee Doke on both counts.
On 7/25/2006 01:02:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Kate and I have been discussing this little pool we have going.
We might have done better to have set it up the other way, where the person who guessed the 15th would win.
However, we can't be changing the rules in the middle of the contest so drastically.
Here's what we're going to do:
We are going to award TWO guest posts. One for closest without going over, one for closest without going under. If someone guesses the exact day, that person gets both.
Fair enough?
On 7/25/2006 03:02:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I think if I had to bet, Bourgeois will probably win the under and Steve the over, for sure. I can't imagine Davison will last 'til Friday over there.
But what do I know?
On 7/25/2006 03:30:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Things have slowed down, it's Summer, he could go on for a while.
28th August
On 7/25/2006 03:38:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
OOO.. Alan thinks he may last a while. Strategy, perhaps?
Alan has August 28th.
And who says the evolutionists have no faith?
Seems Alan has it in spades.
On 7/25/2006 04:05:00 PM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I thought the current ID thought on Evolutionists was that no one had more faith...ToE is a religion and all, yada yada yada
On 7/25/2006 04:10:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
oh yeah. forgot.
I have a blog to run, I don't have time for the comings and goings of such things, blipey.
On 7/25/2006 04:17:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Ok, brief update...
Bourgeois Rage has today.
Steve Story has July 28th. forfeited.
Arden Chatfield has July 30th.
Blipey has August 4th.
DaveScot has August 14th.
Alan Fox has August 28th.
Anyone thinking about what they're going to yack about if they win? Just curious, no need to reveal any secret master plans.
On 7/25/2006 06:36:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Since peepees and hoohoos are out I was thinking about the story of when I sailed the Skin Boat to Tuna Town. :-p
On 7/25/2006 06:42:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Crap. John's already talking about sperm. This is how he gets the balls rolling. I'm gonna lose big time.
On 7/25/2006 07:29:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Yeah, it ain't lookin' good for the home team, there Dave.
On 7/25/2006 08:21:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
On July 25, 2006 4:02 PM, JanieBelle said...
I think if I had to bet, Bourgeois will probably win the under and Steve the over, for sure.
I was in a bind. Denyse reinvited Davison because she has no idea what a cretin he is. So I was motivated to pick as soon as possible. That would give me four days to win before the 30th hit. Problem is, if I picked today, some nutsack would Price Is Right me and pick tomorrow. So I split the difference. Though I don't think Denyse will ban him, she seems kind of benignly brainless. Davison will be banned by the snake oil salesman with the pencil neck.
-steve s
On 7/25/2006 08:28:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Dembski has found the perfect workhorse in Denyse. With Davetard, there was too much chance he'd figure out it was all a cheap magic show to line Dembski's pockets. Davetard's an average intellect with an understanding of science around high-school level. Denyse is not only dimmer, she has effectively no understanding of science. Like kindergarten level. She might run that site for years to come.
-steve s
Knock it off. - JanieBelle
On 7/25/2006 08:30:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Steve said:
Problem is, if I picked today, some nutsack would Price Is Right me and pick tomorrow.
Well since there's two posts up for grabs now, that should give everyone more of a fighting chance.
We're generous that way.
Sorry guys, my heart's not really in this today. Forgive me if I'm not as prolific or verbose as usual.
On 7/25/2006 10:32:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
So Steve, are you going to start studying science some day? I reckon with me at high school level that puts me about 12 years ahead of you. Dumbass.
You too. Please don't retaliate, Dave.- JanieBelle
On 7/25/2006 11:02:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
The real problem with UD nowadays is that it's no longer funny. It's simply a bore.
On 7/25/2006 11:44:00 PM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Oooooh, Oooooh!!! Can I play, too? I also want a tongue waving at me! 
I thought everyone was tired of talking about science...or was it just evo / ID?
In the event that I CAN get a tongue waving at me:
EVOLUTION, IDiots, Tard, Dumbass, Bananator, SLoT (Sorry, that was an accident of cut and paste -jb)
And my favorite:
ID programmatics is a schema of experimentations designed to resonate in an appropriate, modern, non-materialistic paradigm concerning the ontological necessities of life in a non-sectarian, but relevant, organization of progressive new-scientists who will more adequately prepare our robust society with the knowledge to continue our ascendancy into a non-violent, paradisic existence.
Disco: feel free to use without royalty.
On 7/25/2006 11:56:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Feel free to bash Denyse as much as you please, however.
Talk about science all you like. I just want everyone to stop picking on Dave. That's all.
It just seems that none of my science questions get answered without some slight pointed at Dave, if at all. Why is that?
That bugs me.
On 7/26/2006 12:02:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Aw, how come steve and Dave can say "Tard" and "dumbass" but mine get erased?
It was said in the same vein (sp?) as the ID Programmatics....
Thanks for the tongue, though.
On 7/26/2006 12:27:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
What got erased?
On 7/26/2006 12:28:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Are you sure you know how to use a computer?
On 7/26/2006 12:32:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
The line before the posted screed:
IDiots, Tard, dumbass, bananator, etc...
you're killing me :P

On 7/26/2006 12:33:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Sorry, accident by fatigue.
All better now.
On 7/26/2006 12:35:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
but at least it's softly...
On 7/26/2006 12:40:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
...with a song, too.
On 7/26/2006 08:50:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hi AJ!
Good to see you comment!
AJ, giver of eye-candy to little girls, takes Halloween.
Duly recorded.
On 7/26/2006 12:21:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
-steve s 

Sock puppet this. -jb
On 7/26/2006 12:23:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Steve, you're such a brilliant pain in the ass. Please tell us more about how you violate yourself during your day-to-day activities. We're all ears. 

Fixed that for ya' Steve. Buh bye, don't let the door hit you in the ass. - jb
On 7/26/2006 01:56:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
The rules of the blog are pretty simple.
1. No gratuitous venom at each other on this blog.
2. See rule 1.
3. Try to watch your mouth, but if the occasional swear pops out, don't sweat it.
4. See rule 1.
Steve Story has apparently decided he doesn't want to play here. No big loss, he has a whole thread at AtBC to say whatever he wants about UD and it's members, and spew whatever garbage he chooses.
He won't be doing it here anymore.
Therefore, I have declared on my own personal dictatorial whim that he has forfeited his place in the pool as well as his right to comment on this blog until such time as he posts a public apology here or hell freezes over, whichever comes first.
Of course, that's good news for Bourgeois Rage and Arden Chatfield.
On with the show.
On 7/26/2006 02:33:00 PM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
you could at least blah blah blah charade blah blah elaborate tricks, blah blah missing the point blah.
I found it. It's on the top of your head. -jb
On 7/26/2006 03:00:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
No apology, no comment Steve.
It's really that simple.
On 7/27/2006 08:40:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I am afraid to say anything for fear of being banned once again.
“Discretion is the better part of valour.”
Comment by John A. Davison — July 26, 2006 @ 7:23 pm
For John, courage comes from a bottle. A few snorts and instead of Shakespeare he'll be quoting Patton i.e. "War, God help me, I love it so!".
On 7/27/2006 08:48:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Methinks he doth drink too much.
I really wish someone would show him how to make another post on his blog. It's terribly annoying.
Maybe he's going for the Guinness Book of World Records for most amount of comments to one post.
On 7/27/2006 10:50:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hey guys and girls
Thanks for all the crack addict recovery literature. there is no such thing as bad crack. I thouight everybody knew that.
I predict that not only will I not be banned but that I may even be able to get my porn links restored on the side bar. You know, all those naked pictures of me fondling myself that Dave purged from Uncommonly Disgustipatin' some time ago. He burns those quite frequently you know. I am widely known in internet circles as "Old Fruitcake."
Now of course I may abandon My Single Post Blog but I don't think so now that you are all making such funny cracks about my inky dinky winky.
My masochism is hard to believe isn't it?
I love My Peepee so!
"My past intelligence is undeniable, my present brain is undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
Take a hint, Davison. -- Kate
On 7/27/2006 01:00:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Davison is disqualified from winning in any event.
One, it would be too easy for him to force his own banning at a time of his choosing.
Two, he's been banned here, and as he is unable to comment with some semblance of coherence, sanity, or civility, he gets no love from us.
All future posts by the human dingleberry will be addressed in a similar manner to the one just above.
He is unwelcome here until such time as he renders public apology to us, our readers, and Dave in particular.
JanieBelle and Kate
On 7/27/2006 06:21:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I must say that what jb and ck do to banned commenters comments is way funnier and more creative than my now infamous disemvoweler. I shoulda thought of that!
On 7/27/2006 06:32:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
YOU sir, may have invented it.
WE perfected it.
Some things just take a woman's touch.
JanieBelle and Kate
On 7/28/2006 12:48:00 AM, waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
YOU sir, may have invented it.
WE perfected it.
Some things just take a woman's touch.
Did you get the idea one day while playing Mad Libs?
On 7/28/2006 12:16:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Actually, we were inspired by Dave's famous bold comments, and once we got the comment editor, it sort of evolved to its current form.
The "banned" smilie is priceless, though. We saw that and knew we had to have it.
I'm having trouble getting the images to upload to Blogger. Blogger keeps changing the animated gif files to static png files.
The sites where they are hosted are specifically set up for hotlinking, but I really hate depending on someone else's site for our smilies. What happens if they close up shop?
I looked into hosting them at flkr or whatever that is, but they don't do animated gifs, either.
Suggestions would be helpful, but I guess we're ok for now.
I'll make a separate post for the smilie codes, so that you all can see which codes do what.
I'm still not sure what IE's problem is, though. It's something about the javascript that runs them that IE doesn't like.
On 7/28/2006 02:46:00 PM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Blogger may have an option that lets you host your blog elsewhere. Wordpress does. If you could find another hosting service, you could upload your own HTML and host all the images, etc from your own machine. Geocities (definitely not recommending it, but it's the first that came to mind) allows this.
On 7/28/2006 03:02:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Blogger may have an option that lets you host your blog elsewhere. Wordpress does...
Actually they do, but I had considered it more trouble than it was worth up 'til now.
I'm just getting the template tweaked, and since much of it is blogger specific code, I'd have to rewrite a bunch of it from scratch. I don't know that I'm really up for that right now.
Not to say it won't happen, just not right now.
On 7/28/2006 04:58:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
No more takers on the JAD pool? It's FREE.
TWO awesome guest posts on any subject, without censorship!
C'MON! Place your bets, people!
JanieBelle and Kate
On 7/29/2006 10:28:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
It's within the week. I'm feeling better about Friday the 4th!
On 7/29/2006 01:53:00 PM, Lifewish waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
If this is still open then I'll go for August 20th, s'il te plait.
On 7/29/2006 04:17:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
On 7/31/2006 11:50:00 PM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
If I win, Dave can have my post.
On 8/01/2006 07:06:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Well that's rather generous of you, blipey.
Dare I ask -- why?
On 8/04/2006 10:40:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Okay. This is the day! The day I win the pool and get to see what Dave really wants to talk about, since it apparently isn't ID.
I hope my gift will be worthwhile. ;pirate:--
On 8/04/2006 11:23:00 AM, Corporal Kate waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Good luck, blipey.
Sorry I can't say much more right now. As I just told Dave Janie's really sick today.
Kisses, nice to see you 'round.
On 8/04/2006 11:28:00 PM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
So, I suppose we're on EST? Does that mean I've lost now? Crap. I hate losing. Any chance we can get this on the semi-permanent links list, until we have awinner, that is?
On 8/05/2006 09:39:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Okay then; who's up next? Is it DaveScot?
On 8/05/2006 11:03:00 AM, Corporal Kate waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Yes, we're on Eastern time.
You haven't lost yet, there's two posts up for grabs, one in either direction. You haven't lost until August 14th.
As of now, you and Dave are the ones who would win one post each.
And it's already ON the semi-permanent links list, and has been for some time. Look closer.
On 8/05/2006 11:35:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Damn wvga screens...font's too damn small on firefox! I'll have to change that...or start wearing contacts.
On 8/06/2006 07:53:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I see DAJ is still keeping an eye on this thread...
On 8/11/2006 06:47:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
If you want to win, blipey, you might go better poke DAJ with a stick. Your time shortens, while Lifewish steps into the "on deck circle", to borrow a phrase from your beloved baseball.
On 8/11/2006 06:50:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I am having a ball over at his old stomping grounds, Uncommon Descent. Please look in and enjoy my heresies and blasphemous behavior. Join in if you are up to it.
Judging by his latest, he may not need a great deal of prodding, though.
On 8/19/2006 05:29:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
How many are still in the office pool? I can't last forever at Uncommon Descent. Internet forums are like that don't you know.
"Oooh that's good booze."
Jackie Gleason
"How sweet it is."
"You don't want to call them sluts because the twats don't like it."
after Archie Bunker
On 8/19/2006 05:41:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I am not banned either. If I were banned you wouldn't have to keep deleting me.
On 8/19/2006 01:44:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Come on ladies and that includes Spravid Dinger of course. Show us all your cellulite ridden overweight asses.
I love it so!
On 8/20/2006 12:08:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Javison pandered thusly:
Come on ladies and that includes Spravid Dinger of course. Show us all your cellulite ridden overweight asses.
You realize of course that you have just committed a felony in two countries, right? Asking for nude pictures of a 17 year old girl who's an American citizen vacationing in the UK may make you an international pedophile, unless I'm quite mistaken. Don't worry, I'll check with Daddy this afternoon just to be sure. Did I mention that he's a retired attorney? A prosecutor, to be exact.
See you in the funny papers, scumbag.
On 8/20/2006 04:09:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
There is always liposuction. You too Dinger!
On 8/30/2006 10:40:00 AM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hi Janiebelle and Kate
Hope you had a good time in England. The photos made me feel quite homesick.
On topic, does a self-imposed banning count? JAD seems to have banned himself from Denyse and Dave's threads and Salvador has closed comments on his thread.
On 8/30/2006 09:07:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
JAD was banned at 8:50pm, CST, on 8/30/06.
I banned him so I can't win anything. I don't know who this causes to win either.
The reason was he started flippantly talking about altar boys being molested by priests. Given the predominantly Christian participants of the blog I think this must have been his way of asking to banned again. I was happy to oblige.
On 8/31/2006 06:44:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Alan said, Hope you had a good time in England.
We did, Alan. It was a wonderful trip in nearly every regard.
The photos made me feel quite homesick.
I hope our pics brought you more joy than pain. In fact, we have plenty more to share. I haven't even finished picking out the best pictures from my camera, and I still have Kate's camera and the video to sort through.
We've been on Ernesto duty, and I guess we'll have some clean up to do after he's blown through. I'll do the best I can to get them up quickly, but I'm thoroughly exhausted, to be quite honest.
And of course, fixing DAJ's comments for him is unfortunately the first thing I have to do whenever I do get the chance to look at my own blog. That can be entertaining sometimes, but other times, I'm just tired and wish I didn't have to deal with my little pet perv-troll. Alas, we all have our crosses to bear.
On topic, does a self-imposed banning count?
Moot point I suppose.
JanieBelle and Kate