As If The Parallels Weren't Striking Enough
EricMurphy makes this comment late last evening on page 201...
This is what I love about Dave's religion:Quote (afdave @ Sep. 20 2006,21:52)
I am sorry that you don't like "my" Jesus. You will bow before Him someday whether you like Him or not. I'm simply here to warn you before it's too late.
I always thought Jesus was "the Truth, the Light, and the Way." Evidently not. Jesus, in Dave's constipated little universe, is a fascist jerk who demands obeisance and worship like some sort of infantile, insecure little tyrant. Just like Dave's god: he so desperately wants approval from his slaves that he'll wipe them all out if he doesn't get it.
Dave, your religion fills me with revulsion.
Compare that to this from yesterday on here on the HvF thread:
Ehh.. nevermind... just compare it to the whole damned thread!
One especially funny note is that during the conversation, I brought up "Judge not, that ye be not judged...etc. etc. etc" from Matthew chaper 7.
Here is his ridiculous verbal tapdance of ineptitude:
When Jesus said not to judge, he wasn't saying to be naive and assume the best about all people and to throw out good judgment.
He was addressing the intentions of our hearts. Anyone who says, "You're wrong. You're going to hell. And I'm glad." Jesus was warning people about that attitude. That doesn't mean that we are not supposed to warn people about hell. It doesn't mean that we aren't to confront sin. It means that the intentions of our hearts need to be love for God and love for our neighbors.
From context it is clear that He wasn't saying that we shouldn't ever confront/instruct/correct anyone. It is all about the heart.
And yet, after all that semantic shell game, less than 12 hours later in the thread he says:
Angry yet?
The Lord laughs at you. He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. He laughs at you. You are ridiculous. The depth of your foolishness actually causes God to laugh for a moment, because it is ironic for someone so ridiculous to actually take themselves seriously.
And if you don't repent, you will be punished. Hell is a reality. Deny it all you want, but you will remember these words in eternity.
May God have mercy on your soul.
You know, I honestly didn't start that thread to bait the nutjob into displaying his Coat of Many Absurdities, I really wanted to explore the issue of when we should draw the line between a fetus and a person. Even when he began waving his bible about, I only asked that if he was going to use the bible as a basis for his argument, then he first needed to show that the bible had some sort of relevence in the real world.
He clumsily avoided discussing the issue futher than a circular argument of one unfounded assertion backs up another unfounded assertion:
The Bible speaks and backs up its own authority. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit confirms it. And the Bible confirms the Holy Spirit. Both are real and back one another up.
I roughly paraphrased this sort of circular reasoning as:
"The bible is True, because it says it's True, and we know that's True, because the bible is True."
It's a fairly common strategy amongst the fundies, and it's almost universal that they either cannot or will not see the circularity.
Alas, he either realized that the task was an impossible one, or he's just so brainwashed that there aren't any neurons left capable of connecting to the real world.
If it's the first case, he's a liar and a fraud, desperately trying to shield himself with the burning remnants that hid the man behind the curtain.
If it's the second (and this is my guess), he's in desperate need of immediate psychological intervention. Is there a doctor in the house?
I swear this guy must be AFDave's twin brother.