Wednesday, September 20, 2006

For Kristine, By Request

In honor of Halloween and Halloween costumes...

From this thread at Amused Muse


Very bored at 3 AM... Shakespeare woke me up, blame him.


7 Eloquent Orations:

On 9/20/2006 09:03:00 AM, Blogger Kristine waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

Poor Denyse. I kind of feel guilty sometimes.

But still...I can't stop laughing!


On 9/20/2006 09:09:00 AM, Blogger JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

I might feel a pang of guilt if she weren't such a fascist bitch...

I mean a theocratic...

I mean..

Ok, I just don't feel any guilt about making fun of her at all.

I suck.

But Kate likes it when I...

It's gonna be a good day.



On 9/20/2006 09:45:00 AM, Blogger Kristine waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

We had a cat conniption occur right on my stomach at 3 a.m. (our time). What up?


On 9/20/2006 10:43:00 AM, Blogger JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

I was kinda hopin' the rapture happened and the animals just got a little happy, and Jesus came and took all the nut cases away, but alas, C.E. posted again this morning, so I guess not.


On 9/20/2006 11:44:00 AM, Blogger Kristine waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

Ah, and to think that I brought CE and you together [snark!]. He's a new visitor. I'm hoping that he hasn't chased a lot of people away.


On 9/20/2006 11:51:00 AM, Blogger JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

He and his ilk are viri, infectious and detrimental to both individuals and society. It's like a contagion of stupid.

I figure as long as he's raving in his lunacy here, he's not botherin' you so much. He'll keep me entertained for a while.

I suspect he may wind up getting the BGM eventually, though. That'll feed his persecution complex. He'll love it.


On 9/29/2006 04:32:00 PM, Blogger Kristine waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

Re: the parrot on Prudo's shoulder--you're going to think that I'm in love with my own comments, but here's a good one...


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