That's good news. Lou Tells me I owe you both a post. What you you like my insights on?
Your post, you won it fair and square. The topic is yours to choose, Rich.
Science is good, sex is better.
As fate would have it I've just found my ex-girl's wedding pictures online, so today I am heartsad. No-one likes to see their girl with another guy. I doubt she knows there's a price to for her happiness, as she doesn't pay it.
// Rant off.
Uh, yikes!
Anyway, congrats on your reinstatement! I think you’re a little too hard on the guy, but there it is. :-)
Ack. How dreadful. Her loss, though.
Kisses to you from bo'fus.
Kristine!! Post some belly dancing video for Rich. That'll make him feel better.
Well we might be a little hard on him, but sheesh. Kate doesn't even have a last name yet. Talk about neglect! But since he's very nice to us, and he pretty much lets us do as we please, we'll cut him some slack.
We don't condone his breaking the rules at other people's blogs and forums, though.
If we were Wes, we'd have left him banned, and only let US post. Hey, WE didn't break the rules, HE did.
Somehow this immediately made me think of Fight Club. Careful, there. ;-)
"Somehow this immediately made me think of Fight Club. Careful, there."
You should see the bruises....
Hey, even the Mona Lisa's falling apart...
Lou knows this because Kate knows this. :-)
Sorry, that last comment was me. Still don't have blogger down. :-(