Saturday, November 04, 2006

Michael J. Fox On Limbaugh and Stem Cells

Came across this video of Katie Couric interviewing Michael J. Fox. Touching and poignant. Gotta love 'em both.

Keith Olbermann reports on Scumbag OxyMoron Limbaugh's bullshit comments.

2 Eloquent Orations:

On 11/04/2006 03:02:00 PM, Blogger Kristine waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

After having grotesquely imitated Michael J. Fox (and then denied it), Rush Limbaugh should now do his impression of Ronald Reagan. As Reagan is now.


On 11/04/2006 05:25:00 PM, Blogger JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...

heh heh, Kristine.

We should all be so fortunate as to have him do that. The world would be a better place without dirtbags like him.


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