Open Letter to Arden Chatfield and Bourgeois Rage
I would like to take a moment of your time to say thank you. To be honest, I was considering putting a section of links up in my sidebar and calling it "Links to Places Where Manly Men Can Pick on Little Girls", and adding links both to James' blog and to the UD thread on
Continued below the fold.
You have very graciously pointed out that I am willing to listen to what your side has to say, and that I am not simply "an idiot" as Jim and his buddies repeatedly commented at my blog. I could have done without the "dingy" reference, but I understood what you meant as a whole, and I accept it in the spirit in which it was intended.
Bourgeois_Rage: I absolutely want to see the arguments played out on the scientific field, and the rules I set up are fully in force, and will be enforced throughout the debate. I would especially like to point out again, that insults and attacks will simply not be tolerated. Also, again let me point out that my mother, my aunt, and my niece read this blog, and everyone is to watch their language.
Jim was not banned for what he had to say about science, he was banned for being a jackass and not respecting my wish ON MY BLOG to follow some fairly simple rules.
Since Dave has been rather busy lately, I will surrender the floor to Matt, or to either of you two gentlemen to speak first. You can decide between you, and whoever gives the first "ahem" in the science thread gets the floor in the Science Thread.
You might also make a small announcement there at "After the Bar Closes" that folks should remember that the forum is public, and might be read by anyone who has an internet connection.
(By the way, I suppose I am a bit flattered to see that you all have taken time out of your busy day to comment on me. You might also mention to KeithS at Dispatches From the Culture Wars that when you quote someone, it's customary to provide a link.)
Thank you again for coming to my defense (albeit in a less than the most flattering of ways).
Gentlemen, you have the floor.