On 8/31/2006 09:11:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot banned me, too! I was so proud. Actually, he asked that I quite bothering him, which I did. What's funny is this comment made after so many had been banned.
William Dembski: "If the evidence for Darwinian theory were so great, why keep slamming ID? Just present it!"
Then it was announced that DaveScot wasn't the moderator any longer, so I started posting again. Most of my posts actually show up! I've been told there is a problem sorting actual messages from a high volumen of spam which is apparently why some of my posts still get disappeared.
This is where JAD was banned.
On 8/31/2006 11:03:00 AM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
And to think I only picked 28th August because it is my mother's birthday. My wife is rationing my blogging at the moment. How much time to I have?
BTW did you girls get to see the Roman baths at Bath? Envious about the Globe, I used to live near Stratford and used to get to the theatre ( and New Place) quite often (my sister-in-law worked in the wardrobe dept. and I got free tickets if bookings were thin).
Well done Sam Wanamaker.
On 8/31/2006 11:09:00 AM, Rich Hughes waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Are you English too, Alan? I lived in St. johns Wood and Seven Sisiters in my formative years. I hope the girls did more than architecture and history – the vibrancy of Camden market or something like that is always fun.
On 8/31/2006 11:35:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Congratulations to David Springer, the biggest hero in cyberdom who finally managed to eliminate the man he once described as "my good friend Professor John Davison." Isn't that precious?
And now the idol of all western civilization will not even let me view the pisshole he still dominates along with MorphoDyke and Dilliam Wembski. He has no respect for them either. I figure he has got something on both of them or they would have dumped him long ago. Do you Sergeant Springer USMC? Why don't you tell us all about me, I'm a cowardly fecal pellet.
I whined about the whole sordid affair over at "brainstorms."
I love my vagina so!
"My past intelligence is undeniable, my present brain undemonstrab;e."
Dohn Asswipe. Javison

On 8/31/2006 12:53:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
But I see you posted again today, John. Are you absolutely sure you're banned? I wouldn't want to claim a win prematurely.
You had to ask? Born and bred. But never lived in London, though worked and stayed temporarily ((Crouch End and Highgate mainly). Worked for a professor of History at OU who took me round some of the sights, fascinating but found the crowds gave me claustrophobia.
On 8/31/2006 01:54:00 PM, Rich Hughes waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Nice one Alan. How is France treating ID? The discovery institues website is what set me off.
On 8/31/2006 02:14:00 PM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hey, I've been banned again! (I didn't know that DaveScot had been reinstated.) This time DaveScot banned me because I argued that the arm is a biological equivalent of a sling (as in slinging mud or rocks).
It started with trrll stating the "The information of how to build an eye is encoded in the fundamental laws of optics and chemistry". (I don't actually agree with this statement.) But then DaveScot said, "The laws of physics, according to your logic, must also encode slings and arrows which are far less complicated than camera eyes," to which trrll reasonably replied, "I’ve got a built-in sling. It’s called an arm." (An artificial sling extends the arm's natural reach.) Other examples in biology of hurling projectiles were also provided.
So banned again. This only hurts whatever credibility that Uncommon may have to open and honest debate.
On 8/31/2006 03:20:00 PM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
biogeer: "It's telling that you should be banned for posting something so obvious."
Even if arguably wrong, it clearly shows the weakness of the entire enterprise at Uncommon Descent.
On 8/31/2006 04:22:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
How is France treating ID?
It isn't. I have never seen it get a mention in the French media, and on the few occasions I have attempted to explain the concept to French friends and acquaintances there is polite and amused incomprehension, (Of course that could just be my bad French).
On 8/31/2006 04:53:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Alan Fox
Oh yes I have been bungholed and David Springer dd the job. I can't even view my pisshole anymore. Anyhow if anyone is interested, I reintroduced my anal cavity at "brainstorms" where I don't believe Springer can purge me. Join in the gang bang if there ever is one.
I don't like Tatas

On 8/31/2006 04:58:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
David Springer still rules me with his iron fist. I think he has something scandalous on the MorphoDyke / Dilliam Wembski dynamin duo. I know he doesn't have any respect for either of them.
I love my asshole so!

On 8/31/2006 07:05:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
"How much time to I have?"
Take as much time as you need Alan.
"BTW did you girls get to see the Roman baths at Bath?"
Yep, a few pictures posted even. Very cool.
"Envious about the Globe, I used to live near Stratford and used to get to the theatre ( and New Place) quite often (my sister-in-law worked in the wardrobe dept. and I got free tickets if bookings were thin).
Well done Sam Wanamaker."
Indeed, well done. Definitely make the trip on your next visit to London, Alan. I promise you it's worth the effort. It was one of the top highlights of the entire trip for us.
"You had to ask?"
I'm glad he did, Alan. I assumed (quite erroneously, apparently) that you were French.
"I hope the girls did more than architecture and history – the vibrancy of Camden market or something like that is always fun."
We did concentrate on the history and architecture, but we visited Covent Gardens twice, spent more than a little time in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, meandered through Picadilly Circus and enjoyed the bustle that is Trafalgar Square. We had our portraits done in Leicester Square, listened to the street musicians in the tube stations, and visited the performers in the squares in Bath. There was a man in Bath that was there last year when I went, a rastafarian fellow with an acoustic guitar and a charm that I don't believe you will ever see anywhere else. "Hey pretty lady in the white dress, are you getting married today?" His ad lib and improv is one of a kind in my limited experience. I know I nearly cried when I saw him from a distance, he's that good.
London itself is more than a city, it's truly a living organism, breathing, heart beating, longing, and rejoicing. It's like no other place I've ever been.
On 8/31/2006 11:10:00 PM, Sean waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Oh, oh, oh! DaveScot banned me too! I was making a particularly astute observation about why saying "hey, this looks designed to me" is not exactly a foolproof (or scientific) way of detecting design.
And before I could say boo, I was banned! Either he was blown away by the analogy, or didn't get it and just got offened, or some shit. Either way, I wasn't even given the right of reply.
On 9/01/2006 01:41:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I didn't ban you, Zach. Someone else did. I found at least a dozen of your comments in the spam bin. I unspammed a few of them. I figured it was me a long time ago that blacklisted your name. If that's not the case then someone else did the deed recently. All I did recently was tell you I wasn't going to despam any more of your comments because they don't meet my standard of intelligent discourse. Sorry dummy.
On 9/01/2006 01:48:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Since my return I've plonked Davison, trrll, and jujuquisp. Anyone else who thinks they've been banned by me are mistaken.
Sean, your first comment is automatically moderated at UD. I don't mess with the moderation queue. I gave it up for Lent.
On 9/01/2006 07:31:00 AM, Sean waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
So what was meant by the "You’re out of here. Go waste someone else’s time and bandwidth. -ds" remark?
On 9/01/2006 07:38:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot (6/26/2006): "Get lost. And stop taking up space in the spam bucket. I’d rather see the thouands of ads for online casinos, low interest loans, and viagra than more of your tripe."
(Per your request, I did not post until you were no longer moderator. But you apparently returned.)
DaveScot (8/31/2006): "You’re banned here. I’m sure by me a long time ago."
These statements are clear indications that I have been asked not to post by the moderator. Don't try to back away from your action.
Nor will I be moderated in such a fashion as to undercut any reasonable discourse. Your own arguments are apparently of a different odor than others.
That is your moderator power. (We here at U Dream of Janie tremble in awe at the power of the greenmarker.) The judgment of how that affects the validity of Uncommon is left to the readers of that forum.
By the way, trrll said nothing worth banning. He was reasonably on-topic and made an arguable point. And, indeed, a point that might have led to some illuminating discussions — even though I thought he was wrong.
On 9/01/2006 08:35:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hey! Sean's a daddy
Gabriel, archangel and primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and revelations to humankind.
Zachriel, angel that rules over memory, presides over the planet Jupiter.
On 9/01/2006 12:21:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
David Springer, boy of my dreams,
How do you like the way I exposed myself to you and your charmimg girl friends here over at "brainstorms?"
If you want some more just whistle. That was just the tip of my peepee.
I'll be sure to take my blood pressure pills because I'm a drunk old fatso. I neede you as you are my best dream.
I love my anal cavity so!

We get the picture, Javison. You are a drunk old pervert who has a huge crush on Dave. Give it a rest. - jb
On 9/01/2006 04:23:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
David Springer aka boy of my dreams,
What's the matter little Cuddle Bunny, boy extraordinaire? Have I lost my brain and charm as if I never had any? Like all playground bullies you can collapse into a sea of sweat on top of me as soon as I am properly exposed, degraded, and satisfied.
I are a joke, nothing but an overstuffed, power crazed sociopath. I are lucky not to be in a staight jacket. I feel sorry for my family. It must be awful for them to see me make such a perfect asshole out of myself, all by myself.
Don't stop now lover. I need you.
I love you so!

On 9/01/2006 05:15:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Ahhh, the pining of unrequited love.
So sad, so poetic, so pitiful.
On 9/01/2006 06:12:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Don't stop making a complete ass of me, girls. you are just as valuable to me as Dave my dream boy is. i'll see to it that all three of you get all the exposure you can handle. You deserve one another. Enjoy.
I love being porked by an extra large dildo so!
Please turn your affections elsewhere, Javison. We're not interested. When we decide to invite a man into our bed, you will be the last one on the list, I assure you. Somewhere after all the other mammals on the planet, but possibly just ahead of MorphoDyke, if that makes you feel any better. At least we enjoy making a complete idiot of you. - jb
On 9/01/2006 06:52:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Hey Kate, are you still sucking marrow and whose bone is it? Javison, a little clue for you - I could suck a basketball through a garden hose... but you'll never know. Doesn't it just suck to be you? - Kate If I am banned, why oh why am I still posting? Because we like making you look like the complete idiot you are. As long as your masochism keeps bringing you back, the Big Green Marker will be waiting.- jb
Kisses - Only in your most lurid dreams, loser. We don't do drunken lunatic has-beens. Blipey's coming 'round this way soon, though, think about that and wish it were you. - bo'fus
On 9/02/2006 10:31:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Trrll was banned for being stupid. It's a common cause. In particular it was his thesis that the construction of camera eyes are encoded in the laws of physics. If that's so then everything is encoded in the laws of physics and the thesis explains everything material in the universe. Something that explains everything explains nothing. Utter stupidity. I've admitted before that I'll tolerate stupidity in ID supporters at UD but not in ID detractors. If I was interested in a false portrait I'd tolerate the stupid dissenters and boot the bright ones. In fact I do the opposite.
I'm sorry you fell into the stupid camp but surely you must know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer by now.
On 9/02/2006 10:55:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot: "Trrll was banned for being stupid."
Yeah, what would a biologist know about biology. And why would a biologist have anything relevant to say about a post that begins with a broad generalization about the religious beliefs of biologists.
Here is a synopsis of the exchange:
trrll: "The information of how to build an eye is encoded in the fundamental laws of optics and chemistry..."
[An arguable point, depending on what one means by "encode". I would argue it is overstatement, or at the least subject to misinterpretation.]
DaveScot: "One last reply trrll. According to your logic EVERYTHING physically possible is encoded in the laws of physics. Therefore this encoding explains everything. And thus explains nothing. Have a nice life."
Later writes the DaveScot: "At the instant of the big bang there suddenly existed all the information in the universe today."
DaveScot: "In fact I do the opposite."
In fact, you ban those who directly challenge you. And then misrepresent your actions as you did at least twice on this very thread.
On 9/02/2006 07:57:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Isn't DaveScot, actually David Springer, the biggest dick I've ever dreamed about having in me in cyberdom a treasure though? It is fitting he should be my hero ladies. You are all three the objects of my unrequited lust and prove it with your extremely phallic (and thus insanely erotic to me) green pencil. I want to Exercise with it I say until I achieve gratification, if you know what I mean and I think you do!
The poor dumb bastard is now again my greatest sexual fantasy, something he once actually was, until Dilliam Wembski convinced me to lust after MorphoDyke. What dreamboats all three of you really are.
I love you all so!

Just a little note, Javison.... It's name is The Big Green Marker. We're glad it turns you on enough to keep bringing you back for more. -jb
On 9/02/2006 09:52:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I copied John's last comment to here. Brainstorms is the last evolution related forum where Little Johnny Rotten Mouth hasn't been banned. Ironically ISCID belongs to Bill Dembski who by my reckoning is the last person on the earth that will still tolerate Davison.
On 9/03/2006 03:14:00 AM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
You may not be aware, Dave, that other people, well me at least, suspect from some of your comments (just thinking about your disparaging of Mark Perakh still makes my blood boil) that you are not a very nice person.
I accept that John is an annoying crank, but he is harmless and can be safely ignored. He is after all 78. You latched on to him initially; it was you that invited him back to UD. These were your errors and you should take responsibility for them.
I blog because I like to see my thoughts on the screen, it gives me a buzz, it is ego-driven. But I also like to learn from others, enjoy others' humour and insight, be informed about new scientific developments. I reckon I read a lot more than I post.
Sometimes there is content in your comments but is generally obscured by the tone and insulting asides. Apart from Lake Travis, I have never seen you graciously acknowledge a new fact or convincing argument from any poster taking issue with your comments.
The chance for ID to be a vehicle for any one's political ambitions is past, so is it just ego that keeps you going now?
On 9/03/2006 05:48:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I am not a crank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SHADES OF RICHARD NIXON? I am a definite threat to myself and others alike. Why do you think I get banned so much? See above. - jb
I love Dave so!

On 9/03/2006 07:05:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Your last link there points to our home page.
On 9/03/2006 07:25:00 AM, Sean waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I'm gonna be a little narcissistic for a moment and come back to something zachriel said above: Yes, I'm a new dad, for all of two weeks now! Thanks for your comments, Zaxh -- so far the family is a little sleep deprived but doing fine. Cheers!
On 9/03/2006 08:20:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Your last link there points to our home page.
It seems to be working now.
Maybe I'm like you and I just like seeing my name in lights, so to speak. Uncommon Descent gets 30,000 unique visitors on a monthly basis. That's a nice size audience. Mark Perakh is a self-inflated ass in the same way as Davison. It is and remains my distinct pleasure to call a spade a spade in these cases. Why don't you put a pot of water on your boiling blood and make yourself some nice herbal tea to calm yourself. And I never invited JAD to Uncommon Descent. He was already a member when I first knew of him. What I DID do was BAN Davison from UD. Twice. I know it's difficult for you but try to keep up. Lastly, I find it just about the epitomy of hypocriticality for you, his most dedicated pest, to tell me that Davison can be ignored. You certainly can't ignore him. Practice what you preach.
On 9/03/2006 09:34:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Congratulations, Sean! Hope you get some sleep soon!
Yep, it's mysteriously working now. I swear I clicked it several times earlier this morning and it linked straight to UDOJ.blogspot.com.
Oh, well, it's working now.
I see Javison likes to make sure everyone on earth knows what a loon he is. Entertaining at first, redundant and boring within a few minutes though.
On 9/03/2006 03:07:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Mark Perakh is a self-inflated ass in the same way as Davison.
Professor Perakh (now 83) is a brilliant, generous and tolerant man with a wicked sense of humour. He has no time for charlatans like Bill Demski, which I guess is why you persist in denigrating him.
And I never invited JAD to Uncommon Descent.
So telling him on his own blog that you had reset his password at UD was coincidental to him starting to post there? Hmmm?
You certainly can't ignore him. Practice what you preach.
I admit I was curious to see if John could ever indulge in any sort of open dialogue. I think his postings on my blog experiment answered that. I just today read through his manifesto again. Parts of it still make me chuckle. You used to be/still are a supporter of his front-loading nonsense, I believe. Or do you now maintain that you came to front-loading independently?
On 9/03/2006 10:03:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
You're entitled to your opinion of Perakh. It isn't the same as mine. [shrug]
Resetting Davison's password isn't the same as inviting him. I reset at least a dozen passwords for people who'd somehow lost them. People who lost a password were already members.
I independently arrived at the front loading hypothesis. Not Davison's semi-meiotic mechanism of course. It's possible the last time I heard the word meiosis was in my Anatomy and Physiology class in college. Front loading really doesn't require much detailed knowledge of biology as it's primarily dealing with information not mechanical details of cell division.
On 9/04/2006 02:10:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I independently arrived at or derived entirely on my own (with no help from anyone), by myself, because I'm a genius, with no need to defer to anyone else about anything, because I'm rich, and live in a state which is bigger than yours, (also, I've met a couple famous people), the following:
1. Cheez-Whiz
2. The Viscous Properties of Wood Glue
3. A Blue Sky
4. Blue Skyy and OJ
5. A GUT (still pasting it together in my basement-see #2)
6. The yumminess of creme brulee
7. A unique combination of restraining orders taht allows me 100 yards of clear space in any direction
I owe it all to Sci-Am; I'm sure they will be publishing a brief Who's Who about me anytime.
On 9/04/2006 06:18:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Gee, that might hurt if it wasn't coming from a stupid clown. It appears you have a bad case of DSE (Dave Scot Envy).
Maybe you should put on a clown face and lighten up. All that envy and hostility you hold for me can't be good for the inner clown.
On 9/04/2006 08:27:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot: "Gee, that might hurt if it wasn't coming from a stupid clown."
Let me try to translate that for you from the original Clownish.
You were provided an opportunity to present the scientific evidence for Intelligent Design in an open forum. *Honk* Thus far, you have not done so, though you have found time to make posts on other subjects, including what a fart smeller (or smart feller, depending on context) you are. *Honk*
Something about a "vodka bottle". Um, I'm not sure how you translate that, but I think its a Clownish vernacular for avoiding a discussion on the merits. *Honk* *Honk*
I just don't think Blipey has been fair. I really don't. Obviously, DaveScot didn't want to go off-topic on this thread and spoil Alan Fox's glory. But, you're in luck, DaveScot. There is a new thread right here on UDream of Janie with a perfect opportunity for you to present your evidence.
On 9/04/2006 08:31:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
On 9/04/2006 10:50:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
(My Clownish is a little rusty, so I apologize if I didn't get it exactly right. I think I got the jest, though.)
On 9/04/2006 11:18:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Click here if you want to know why I think ID is a live possibility. I'm not going to reproduce any of it on another thread when it's all already been written. I realize you want to make it interactive, everybody of course wants a piece of me which is perfectly understandable, but that's just too fucking bad. Deal with it.
On 9/04/2006 11:21:00 AM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Janie and Kate
I'm going to bail out of this blog. I didn't think I was going to have to deal with a million little dipshits flaming me here. Since you've abandoned any efforts to stifle the instigators I'm going to bail out. No hard feelings.
On 9/04/2006 11:25:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Click here {provides link to this same thread} if you want to know why I think ID is a live possibility. I'm not going to reproduce any of it on another thread when it's all already been written.
So, you think that ID is a live possibility because:
1. you have banned people from UD
2. you haven't banned some from UD
3. JAD gets the Green Marker
4. biogeer says something about slings
5. Sean can have (and has had) kids
6. JAD can't take a hint
7. Alan has opinion about Mark Perahk
8. Our hosts clean up storm damage
I believe this may be the longest list of published evidence for IDC ever! Congrats, DaveScot; your book deal should be just around the corner.
On 9/04/2006 12:45:00 PM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot: "I'm going to bail out of this blog. I didn't think I was going to have to deal with a million little dipshits flaming me here."
That's ironic, coming as it is from someone who considers Sorry dummy a valid argument, and who failed to explain why he misrepresented his arbitrary use of a moderator ban.
(And this is on-topic for this thread. That's probably why there has been no moderator request. Your proper response is to ignore this particular thread as there is another thread established for you to present your evidence for Intelligent Design. Let us know if you ever find it.)
Meanwhile, back at Uncommon Descent, Denyse O’Leary bemoans the lack of substantive response to her thread, but thanks all those who agree with her.
On 9/04/2006 12:54:00 PM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot: "I'm going to bail out of this blog."
The treatment you have received by our hosts has been more than welcoming. What colorful comments you have received from the guests could be easily ignored.
Might I remind you that many of my posts at Uncommon Descent merely disappeared without comment, even after I had spent considerable time researching valid cites in order to contribute positively to the discussion. I was banned — by you — for stating plain facts or arguable points on relevant topics. I have seen you hurl insults and belittle people who disagree with you.
You have no cause to complain.
On 9/04/2006 04:45:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Ladies I have called attention to your blog over at ISCID's "brainstorms" forum and to my adulation of the biggest he-man in cyberdom, David Springer. I hope my participation on your delightful little blog will help explain why I is widely regarded as the biggest asshole in the history of the internet.
I love Dave so!
On 9/05/2006 05:59:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Dave this is Kate,
"I'm going to bail out of this blog. I didn't think I was going to have to deal with a million little dipshits flaming me here. Since you've abandoned any efforts to stifle the instigators I'm going to bail out. No hard feelings."
Come on, Dave. When you wanted a break from the Evo/ID war, Janie and I both went to great lengths to keep you out of the line of fire. But when you started dipping back into it here, we couldn't really let you talk about your ID view without letting the others respond to that.
Besides, you look like you're holding your own. I know comment moderation hasn't been as tight as normal, but we've been busy with real life stuff. Surely you don't really need us to hold your hand and protect you from the church burnin' ebola boys.
And of all the people to complain about the comment moderation, you should be on the bottom of the list. We've given you the biggest amount of leeway of anyone here.
Dave, you know that we're on opposite sides of the Evo/ID fence, but you have never once impressed me as a sissy. "Cut and Run" isn't your style, and only makes the flames look like they're right. You've given as well as you've got. Please rethink your decision.
On 9/05/2006 10:45:00 AM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Bail me out Springer! they have me locked up, the biggest liar and cowardly hypocrit in the history of the world wide web. Why MorphoDyke and Dilliam Wembski tolerated me for so long at Uncommon Descent has got to be the mystery of the century. Do you have something to stick in my rear David baby? I'll bet you do.
I love you so!
On 9/05/2006 09:04:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Cut & run, Kate?
That implies there's something to be won here. I have no idea what that might be. The ID/evo debate goes on at a national level. They were even talking about it on Bill Maher last night. If I'm interested in winning that debate where does it make more sense for me to engage the enemy - here where there are a couple dozen unique visitors and no name recognition or at the blog of one of the two most recognized names in the debate where there are 30,000 unique visitors each month. Here, where it's me against a half dozen antagonists or there where the friendlies have overwhelming superiority in numbers.
I was hanging out here for R&R with a fellow marine who happens to be bright, funny, and female. Traditionally, R&R destinations don't include enemy snipers taking constant potshots at you. I can of course return fire but there's no point to it. There's nothing to be won here. The decisive battles are elsewhere.
On 9/05/2006 10:13:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
While I'm here I can give the story of why I'm back as blogczar at UD. Bill Dembski wrote to me saying he was glad to me participating there again and that he'd promoted me to author so I could write articles. He also told me he hadn't changed the server password and if I wanted to get in to check the blog statistics it was okay. So I did. What I found was that in the first full month I was gone the number of unique visitors was up 4% while the page views were down 4%. What that means is more people visited the blog and fewer stayed. While I was blogczar unique visitors and page views both increased 10% every month like clockwork. When I informed Bill of that within a few days I found my account back at the highest possible adminstrative level and in my inbox another letter from Bill saying I could resume moderating as time permitted.
The first thing I did upon regaining admin status was remove the 3 IP bans I'd done the week before. You see, when I banned Davison the only way I could do that was at the server level with an IP ban. Since an IP ban stops people from even reading the blog it's something I'd only done one time in the past to the biggest pest I've ever encountered - Blipey. As of now there are no IP bans at all. I even removed the IP ban on Blipey. While I'm thinking about it I'll remove Zach from the blacklist. It wasn't me that added him to it in the first place. Anyone else here that's banned who cares to be unbanned? I'm in a magnanimous mood. I've also given Alan Fox another chance even though he's been banned and snuck back in by reregistering under a different name several times in the past.
On 9/05/2006 10:20:00 PM, DaveScot waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Zach, you're back. I don't have the time to engage everyone as much as they might like. No offense but you're just one of many. Stay on topic (something you've always done so I have no complaint there) just don't pester the shit out of me with repetitive arguments I've heard a thousand times before and there won't be a problem.
On 9/06/2006 12:05:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
just don't pester the shit out of me with repetitive arguments I've heard a thousand times before and there won't be a problem.
Here, where it's me against a half dozen antagonists or there where the friendlies have overwhelming superiority in numbers.
Well, I'd say if you wanted to actually win something, you'd have to go to places where message was new. You know; it's called evangelizing. Something that the UD crowd would be good at one would suppose. Strange how they never show up at places where they might find people to convert. Oh well, at least when they all stay at UD, we know where to leave the water bowl. we wouldn't want you to die of neglect.
While I was blogczar unique visitors and page views both increased 10% every month like clockwork.
Any publicity is....
Yeah, UD just wasn't quite as funny without you. I wonder why? I also wounder if there would be a way to check and see how many of those extra visitors were AtBC folks checkng up on you. Get the message out! Evangelize!
UD: the site that generates 30,000 unique laugh attacks daily. And 7 anuerisms.
On 9/06/2006 06:33:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
DaveScot: "That implies there's something to be won here. I have no idea what that might be."
It's not a matter of winning, but of presenting a persuasive scientific argument. I believe that is what Intelligent Design claims to possess.
DaveScot: "Here, where it's me against a half dozen antagonists or there where the friendlies have overwhelming superiority in numbers."
You can preach to the choir, or you can engage in scientific debate. Scientists publish their findings in order to convince other scientists. Publication is only the first step in the scientific dialogue. It is expected that such findings will be subjected to skeptical inquiry.
DaveScot: "Zach, you're back."
I will consider your generous offer to resume commenting at Uncommon Descent.
On 9/06/2006 06:42:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
rich hughes (from Blog Poll thread): "First, let me apologize to Dave ..."
Zachriel: My Clownish is a little rusty...
I wish to publicly apologize to blipey for any suggestion that I was making fun of his Clownish accent. I was only attempting to make a rough translation. I have been informed that my Clownish is somewhat more than a little rusty. I understand the use of *Honk* is a treasured expression that should not be just sprinkled randomly through a text. Many Clowns were apparently befuddled and bemused for hours, some stretched out to the point of nearly injuring themselves. Again, I apologize to any and all who might have been offended, especially to any native Clownish speakers.
On 9/06/2006 07:33:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
On 9/06/2006 07:35:00 AM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Somewhat Off-topic
DaveScot: "trrll, Your arm isn’t a sling."
Concerning the nature of the human arm. In Fastpitch Softball, there are two basic pitches. One is called the Slingshot (half-arc), and the other is the Windmill (one or more arcs). Both use the arm as a natural sling. The Windmill imparts more momentum, but is consequently less accurate.
What distinguishes a sling is that the momentum in the projectile is due to acceleration along an arc. By comparision, in Hardball, the momentum is created by stretching a spring (the entire body), then accelerating the projectile along a straight-line.
And yes, the use of the arm to sling projectiles does constitute a primitive weapon still in use today. Check the local playground.
On 9/06/2006 09:34:00 AM, blipey waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
@ zach:
No apology necessary; I certainly wasn't offended. It would be rather hard to offend me. While I am not a circus clown, playing more in the Native American & comedia del arte areas, I also enjoy the antics of those who are circus / American style clowns.
On 9/06/2006 12:08:00 PM, Zachriel waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Zachriel: Many Clowns ... some stretched out to the point of nearly injuring themselves.
blipey: "While I am not a circus clown..."
Perhaps not, but I've still got a roomful of clowns needing to be unpretzeled.
On 9/06/2006 05:11:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Suck it up, don't be a dork. If you want R&R, you can get it here, but if you're going to engage the CBEBs, then expect them to get their fair shots in, too.
We're very impressed with your allowing the CBEBs back to UD. Good form, Dave.
Sucking face with Davison, though, that's beneath you. Are you feeling ok lately, Dave? Something odd seems to be going on with you, and we're both concerned.
You needn't reply publicly if you choose not to.
Nice to see you back! Get crackin' on that post, and it would seem you owe Dave a big "thank you" for that!
ummm.. Exactly what were you doing with those clowns to get them in such a state? Sounds like a juicy story, do share...
On 9/07/2006 02:16:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Is it really necessary to add all the crap to your comment? Can you just not make your complaint without all the extra bullshit?
On 9/07/2006 02:42:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
On 9/07/2006 02:48:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Sorry but I have to agree. I wonder what you wish to achieve with some of the comments you have posted here and elsewhere.
On 9/07/2006 02:55:00 PM, Alan Fox waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
I've also given Alan Fox another chance even though he's been banned and snuck back in by reregistering under a different name several times in the past.
Dave, I remain unjustifiably flattered that you and Bill considered my innocuous posts at UD worthy of banning. I shall endeavour to comment there as time permits and will always adhere to that rule you taught me:
Attack the ideas, not the people who hold them!
On 9/07/2006 03:12:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Incidentally I am now alowed to blather on mindlessly again at Uncommon Descent. For a while David Springer who runs that forum wouldn't even let me view it.
Let me assure David Springer, Willima Dembski, Denise O'Leary and anyone else within cypershot that I will never offer an intelligent comment on that blog while David Springer is the blogczar. That sexy man has no business moderating anything until he takes time to satisfy my perverse sexual desires. He can't even show me the courtesy of using his own vicious slanderous mouth to appease my obsession with him. He is in need of treating me like the trash I am.
Got that? Write that down and spank me like a bitch.
On 9/07/2006 05:24:00 PM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
"Sorry guys, I'll try to put less crap into my commentary."
Thank you.
"Hopefully certain others would be admonished to do the same."
Point taken, and everyone I think needs to take a deep breath here and chill a little bit. Things really have been getting a little wild here lately, and we'd like to calm them down a bit.
"I'm a civil fellow, generally, but I do tend to get cranky more since the new baby and lack of sleep. Please excuse my lapse in internet etiquette."
Well congratulations on the new baby! I suppose we'll have to accept your excuse, now! It'd be rather bad form for us to be yelling at a sleep deprived new parent. Seriously, that's really great. I know (only from second hand experience) that being a new parent can be quite trying, and I'm told that sleep is a major sacrifice in the first few (read twenty) years. If you'll forgive our snottiness, we'll forgive your lapse of ettiquette.
Peace, Love, Joy, and Togetherness,
Janie and Kate
On 9/07/2006 07:18:00 PM, JohnADavison waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
Why don't you let me get astride your green markers and exercise my flabby obese boobies into sensual oblivion.
You're a sick man, Javison. - jb
On 9/10/2006 09:53:00 AM, JanieBelle waxed damned near poetic whilst opining...
The more things change...