Random Reading

I'm swiping this from Robyn's blog*.
It's an interesting meme...
1. grab the nearest book. no cheating! the nearest book.
2. open the book to page 123.
3. find the fifth sentence
4. post the text of the next four sentences on your blog, along with these instructions.
5. don't you dare dig for a cool or intellectual book on your shelf. pick out whatever is closest!
My answer below the fold.
"I am treating a mother as a machine programmed to do everything in its power to propagate copies of the genes which ride inside it. Since you and I are humans who know what it is like to have conscious purposes, it is convenient for me to use the language of purpose as a metaphor in explaining the behavior of survival machines.
In practice, what would it mean to say a mother had a favourite child? It would mean she would invest her resources unequally among her children."
[I'm editing out the name of the book because originally, you were supposed to guess.]
I'm just bummed I don't happen to be reading some trashy semi-porn romance novel at the moment, with little literary merit and lots of graphic and gratuitous sex.
*(Robyn says she got it from Somewhat Refined, and Molly got it from Northern Light, and AK FNP got it from Fat Doctor, who got it from Bardiac, who got it from Reassigned Time, and Dr. Crazy got it from Anastasia, who doesn't mention where she got it.
Just so y'know.)
Here's a picture of my great great great grandfather, Jonas. Jonas was born in 1850, in Denholme, in the Parish of Bradford, which is in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. He died in Philadelphia in 1930.
What does Grandpa Jonas have to do with my book? Nothing at all, but if you mouse over his picture, I've put the title in the "title" tag of his picture.
Now you can guess, or just find out the answer. How's that?