Kissing Corporal Kate
First you need to know that Corporal Kate is neither a Corporal, nor is her name Kate, but we don't want to get her in trouble, so that's my new pet name for her. She likes it, so it's all good.
So we went out dancing last night. We got a really late start, but that's ok. We got more than a few looks, and a handful of offers from guys, but nothing out of the ordinary. I don't think we did anything that could get her in trouble while we were in public.
After a while, we went for a drive on base. Man, is that place big. We talked and we laughed for a few hours. Then we parked and went for a walk. There are really big sidewalks next to the roads, for the formations to march on, and a lot of them run for really long stretches through the woods. Kate and I have a lot in common. We did a lot of laughing, and a lot of flirting.
Anyways, we walked off the sidewalk onto this trail into the woods. It was really dark, and sorta scary, but Kate held my hand while we walked. It's hard to be too scared when you have a United States Marine holding your hand, y'know? It was a little hard to see, though.
Then things got quiet for a while, and we stopped walking. And then she did it. She reached over and held my cheek and she leaned in real close...
Should I stop here? Just kidding.
It was soft. Not like guys when they try to jam their tongue into your large intestine. Or like when they think that they have to do hundred-mile-an-hour circles around your uvula.
It was tender. Her breath was sweet. It was wet without making me look for a towel to dry off. I liked it a lot. And man, did I feel it all over. All the way down to my toes. I hope I made her feel the same way. I hope we get to practice some more.
Someone on another thread here asked if a thong makes a noise if you drop it in the woods.
Yes, it does.
So does a silver ring.
But nobody really notices.