Dave is a Prude. Or a chicken. Or something.
He won't be coming back here. It's not my decision, it's his. I didn't ban The Bannanator, he's decided this place is too hot for him.
Well my mom always says that if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
I guess he can't take the heat, and he is taking Mom's advice.
I took a little teeny nap a while ago, and when I woke up, here's what I find at UD:
I didn’t yell and it was the generic “you” not the personal “you”. If it’s personal I’ll add something about how your
Oh, good. When I read all that gobledygook, it “sounded” in my head like you were mad at me. I’m glad you’re not, because you’ve been sooo sweet to me, here, in your emails, and at my blog. I like having you around, and I’d hate to ban “the Banninnator” HAAHAHAHA….
Hey watch it with the combat boot jokes, or I might make YOU my girlfriend, buster. -jb
As Frank Burns on Mash said: “It’s nice to be nice to the nice.” That said I’m going to have to bow out of further commentary at your blog. It’s become a bit too risque for me, all things considered. Sorry about that. -ds
Well that's just dumb.
I guess it might be that he's a prude, but I don't think so.
I think what's going on is that he's afraid all his friends will make fun of him, or he'll get in trouble at UD for hanging out with a "homo girl".
That's just dumb. Did I already say that? Well, I'm saying it again.
First, I'm not a "homo girl". I already said I wasn't a lesbian. I kissed a girl. I did some other stuff. With a girl. So what? What is this, 1952? 1893? 1407? Am I gonna get burned at the stake now? It felt good, and I'm gonna do it again. Tonight. Twice.
And what if I WAS a lesbian? Or a bisexual? Maybe I like sleeping with Martians! Maybe I want to tell the whole world that I had sex with a Trans-gender Purple Octopus Alien from Mars! What the hell does that have to do with anything? It wasn't rape, so piss off to anyone who doesn't like it. The Trans-gender Purple Octopus Alien from Mars kinda liked it! He/She is coming over tomorrow and we're gonna do it on the front lawn! With Kate! (I'm gonna introduce her to the joys of tentacle love. :) )
Don't worry, Dave, they won't let us get married anyway!
I really like you, Dave, but I'm really mad at you, too.
If you're not coming back here, I'm not coming back to UD. I'm all about being fair, and you're not. (being fair, I mean)
(Kate says "hi" and "stop being a sissy". Her words, not mine.)